When I think of Texas, I think of people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in order to get the job done and people who don’t shy away from a challenge. This month, we are talking about a school that encompasses these qualities, a school that embodies the Texas spirit through and through. Austin College’s campus is located in the small, quaint town of Sherman about an hour from Dallas, and is one of the most beautiful campuses in the state.
Austin College is a liberal arts school established in 1849 and has since gained a reputation for academic excellence, as well as being a member of the College That Change Lives consortium of colleges. The thing that I found over and over while researching this school was a constant reference, by many sources, to the school’s rigorous yet dynamic caliber of education. It is by far the best liberal arts college in Texas because it attracts students looking for that kind of dedication and focus from their four years in college. Austin College openly admits that classes are difficult and that its students need to work hard for their grades. As a result, Austin students rise to the occasion and are some of the most accomplished college kids you’ll find at any college in the country.
The school does everything it can to support those who are willing to put in the effort. As proof, class sizes are kept small and teachers are 100% committed to the success of their students. In fact, six Austin faculty members were recently named on The Princeton Review’s “The Best 300 Professors” list. In addition, students are assigned a faculty mentor during their freshman year. This mentor personally guides the student throughout their entire time at Austin offering advice, guiding course schedules, and being an overall source of support. Students are also required to live on campus for their first three years of school. With only 1,300 students on campus, you can see how this creates a small, close-knit feel community. Students work hard, but they do it with support, and I love that.
Austin wants its undergrads exploring the world, learning from experience, and giving back to their communities. The college’s study abroad program is highly regarded, with 70% of students participating in some kind of learning abroad. Austin students also collectively perform over 16,000 hours of volunteering each year.
All of this hard work certainly pays off. There are pages and pages of accolades that this school has received from all sorts of institutions and review boards. Its five-year Master of Arts in teaching program is nationally recognized. Many students go on to medical and law school with ease. And a five-year study has shown that 90% of students are employed or working towards higher degrees shortly after graduation.
Austin College looks for in its applicants produces well-educated professionals, ready to enter any career or personal situation with a good head on their shoulders and a “roll-up-your-sleeves” attitude. Not to mention, you’re within arms length of some great barbeque. For more information, visit: www.austincollege.edu.